Enable loan disbursals in minutes

Provide collateral-free micro loans to individuals and SMEs, in 3 simple steps, to help them meet their urgent needs.

Feature highlights

Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Integrate with LMS

Hook up your Loan Management System to our platform to digitise traditional loan workflows.

Pipeline Management - Startech X Webflow Template

100% Digital

Digitise every phase of the loan process from origination, disbursal and collections.

Reporting Dashboard - Startech X Webflow Template

Self Serve

Users can serve themselves with loan products without interacting with a single bank staff.

Meeting Scheduling - Startech X Webflow Template

Getting Started in Easy

Create your first digital loan workflow in less than 15 minutes and publish in seconds.

Email Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Customise Products

Configure digital loan workflows that are unique to different user categories.

Invoice Generation - Startech X Webflow Template

Detailed Reports

Get health checks on all active loans and comprehensive reports on their current status.

How does it work?

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Pick Loan Products for Digitisation

Choose a loan product from your Loan Management System and create a digital workflow for it in our system.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Test in Sandbox

Quickly check out the new workflow in the test environment and fix or edit any steps.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Publish Instantly

Put it out for your users in minutes with 1-click publishing. They can access new features without updating their apps.

Loan Configurations

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Product Selector

Easily select any loan product from your existing product list, in the LMS, for instant availability on the digital banking app.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Rules Engine

Design user friendly workflows by leveraging more than 50 digital loan configuration rules that puts flexibility in your hands.


Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Define Underwriting Rules

Configure rules as per your loan policies which will need to be matched for any loan request to be processed.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Process Incoming Requests

Every incoming loan request is screened against set rules and auto-approved if they match the rules.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Disburse Approved Requests

Matched loan requests can be disbursed directly into beneficiary accounts or get a supervisor approval.

Collection Automation

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Set Collection Rules

Give your users a choice of interest payment with daily, weekly and monthly options, including auto debit or manual payments.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Set Liens

You can also configure lien to be set on accounts which have missed payments beyond due dates, so as to keep your loan book in order.

Your User's View

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Loan Application

Users get a simple interface to provide a preferred loan amount or choose from a pre-approved amount.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Tenure & Repayment Choices

Users then go ahead to choose a repayment tenure and the interest payout schedule (daily/weekly/monthly).

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Quick Credit

If the application is approved then the loan amount can be credited into their account within a few minutes.

Credit Scoring

Individual Lead Profile - Startech X Webflow Template

Credit Scorecard

Use your user's data like payment history, credit utilisation, other account usage statistics to build an internal real time credit scorecard.

Advanced Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Integrate External Credit Data

Connect to reputed credit scoring bureaus and use their data to approve or reject loan application of your users.

Loans. Rebooted.

Give a digital spin to the age old practice of lending with digital origination and instant disbursals.

Loan Workflows
Loan Processing

Digital banking is a privilege. Let's make it a basic right.