We are XFIN.

Physical banking is a curse in today’s digitally empowered world. It is as outdated as typewriters and phone booths. Yet a majority of the civilisation still has to deal with it. They deserve better. No matter who you are or where you live, everyone should have the right to benefit from digital banking.

Our team in numbers

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We exist to eradicate physical banking from society.

The world is already eradicating physical banking by shifting to digital banking services. But it is largely driven by mega and large banks, with the benefits available to a minority. We exist to scale this shift by enabling the participation of smaller banks so that digital banking is accessible for every community.

Our story

We asked ourselves, why do we need physical banks?
We are digital. Our businesses are digital. Why should our banks and banking remain physical? So we put together a team, gave ourselves a mission and got down to business. To work with banks and eliminate physical banking from our digital world.

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1 - The Origin

Physical Banking has disappeared from the lives of millions of people. Banking is now a piece of software! Leading to extreme convenience.

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2 - The Suffering

80% of the world's population still has to suffer the pains of physical banking. Imagine travelling miles to stand in bank queues for basic services like money transfer!

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3 - Our Vision

A world here everyone has access to digital banking as a basic right. No one has to struggle to access their money, no matter who or where they are.

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4 - Our Mission

Today building digital banks is hard for most banks. We want to make this process as easy and affordable as building ecommerce stores on Shopify.

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5 - Our Tool

Ready to deploy digital banks. Modern infrastructure that any small/mid sized bank or fintech can use to launch a full service digital bank in 30 days.

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6 - Our First Steps

SMEs are the lifeline of every society. But banking services for this segment are amongst the most outdated. We aim to bring the power for of digital to them.

What the press say about us?

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Hello from the Founders

With a combined startup experience spanning 4 companies, 6 products, and 2 exits you are well covered.

Digital banking is a privilege. Let's make it a basic right.